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Super Bowl Sunday Should Be National Holiday!

06 02 2011 0 Comment

Nearly every person in this country with access to a television set will watch at least a portion of the Super Bowl. The NFL and the networks have done an incredible job of marketing a game that in 1967 failed to sell out the Coliseum in Los Angeles into what is now the biggest TV event of the year.

Even if you don’t like either team, it has become an event that can’t be ignored. From the multitude of parties being held across the country in bars, restaurants, and homes touting the game, to the curious onlookers tuning in to see the high-dollar TV commercials or half time show, the Super Bowl has become “must see” TV.  Even rival networks have set up programing to augment rather than try to compete with the big game.

As Super Bowl XLV becomes history it is time to proclaim Super Bowl Sunday a National Holiday. After all, it already has become so in every way except official designation. The grocery stores and convenience stores benefit tremendously and it is the biggest day of the year for the pizza and snack industries. I hesitate to offer that the Monday following the Super Bowl be treated like other Monday holidays with the closing of government and private offices but it isn’t a bad idea. With all the partying that takes place on Super Bowl Sunday, not many offices are functioning at 100 percent on the following day.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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